Monday, 22 October 2018

Wales and West Region Junior Hockey Representation

Wales and West Region Junior Hockey Representation 

Photographed here is the No.1 Welsh Wing junior girls hockey team who went to RAF Cosford over the weekend to represent the wing in the inter-wing competitions for the Wales and West region.

The squad was made up of girls in the junior age category from squadrons all over No.1 Welsh Wing,  which included 3 of our own cadets, Cadet Salter, Corporal Roderick and Corporal Wiggers. Our cadets and the rest of their team put in a truly fantastic performance with the team securing 3rd position.

We are so proud to announce that Corporal Wiggers after that amazing team performance has now not only been selected to represent 1367 (Caerleon) Sqn and No.1 Welsh Wing but has now been selected to go and represent the Wales and West region at the inter-region competitions.

Corporal Wiggers pictured here in the back row, 4th in from the left, has been a Royal Air Force Air Cadet for just over a year now and is shaping up to be quite the sportswomen on squadron with this being her second regional representation she has been selected for after her successful selection in the Athletics in the junior women javelin earlier in the year. 

With all this sporting success from the members of the squadron we will have to start clearing some shelves so we have room to put all these medals.

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