Tuesday, 23 October 2018

CVQO Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer Graduation 2018

CVQO Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer Graduation 2018 at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

On Friday 19th October 2018, Flight Sergeant Anderson was one of the guest speakers at the CVQO Cadet Forces Adult Volunteer graduation ceremony 2018 at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Earlier on in the year Flight Sergeant Anderson was himself crowned the winner of the 2018 CVQO Westminster award, so was invited to this special event as a guest speaker talking about the amazing dedication, commitment and sacrifices made by the cadet forces adult volunteers speaking personally from a cadets perspective drawing on his own experiences from being a Royal Air Force Air Cadet. 

It was such an inspiring speech that we wanted to share it with you all. Please find below the speech that Flight Sergeant Anderson gave the graduation candidates of that day.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sir’s and Ma’am 
My name is Flight Sergeant Alex Anderson and I am the 2018 CVQO Westminster Award winner. Today is not a day about me but it is a day in celebration of the crucial roles you all preform within your respective cadet forces. 
Without all of you giving your time, effort, commitment and experience to develop the next generation of cadets many young adults wouldn’t have the opportunities available to them offered through joining cadets. 
This could be something as simple as having a reason to go outdoors, try something new, make friends, develop skills and becoming better citizens. I can’t even begin to tell you how I have developed in confidence and self-esteem since joining cadets. I have personally struggled with managing my Asperger Syndrome as making friends was very hard for me and socially I felt awkward interacting with people. 
When I joined the Royal Air Force Air Cadets, I was petrified as it was a complete change for me and a completely new environment. I had inspirational members of staff around me, always there to support me and offer me guidance if I had any queries. I have earned the nickname of one question Anderson because I was the one cadet who would have a list of questions by the end of the night to pose to staff. I think my staff enjoyed Q and A at the end of the night when they weren’t running away. 
Having someone to go to and motivate you to achieve your goals is a gift which volunteer staff give freely. My adult Sergeant in squadron has always been there for me and always has time for me no matter what I needed to talk about. My adult Sergeant is my role model and inspires me to take on anything. 
Adult volunteers are role models who many cadets look up to and the impact you have on their lives is extraordinary. The next generation is the future and you all have a vital part in shaping the future Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Army, Fire and Rescue, Police and Ambulance Personnel. As well as this you all help to develop the traits of good citizenship within young people. 
Education is fundamental in developing knowledge and skills within any job role. This is why I think it is so important that you all take qualifications to better yourselves but also offer qualifications to cadets such as the CVQO BTEC level 2 Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community, BTEC level 2 Music for Practical Performance and ILM level 2 Young Leaders Award. 
There are many more amazing qualifications offered to young people through CVQO but just think that these qualifications could be the only qualifications some young people will attain while in school. They can also be the difference between cadets getting into a job and not. 
All of the additional opportunities offered through cadets because of adult volunteers has allowed many cadets to achieve and develop their skills as part of a team. Adult volunteers are the unsung heroes across the UK who will give their time freely, transport cadets here, there and anywhere, make sacrifices, fill out the never ending pile of paperwork, organise camps, events, support cadets and teach young people from your own experiences while also having to hold down full time jobs, pay bills and go to sleep at some point. 
Without you, cadet forces wouldn’t be able to run and many young people of today would be stuck indoors shooting tanks or zombies on the latest video games. Without joining the Royal Air Force Air Cadets I wouldn’t be the person I am today and I wouldn’t have achieved anywhere near what I have throughout my cadet career. 
As well as this, I wouldn’t have gained the CVQO BTEC level 2 TPD, ILM level 3 in Leadership and Management and work towards completing the BTEC level 2 MPP. Within cadets we are a team, within CVQO we are a team and if we work together we can achieve amazing things. CVQO changes lives through vocational qualifications and with your help we will for many years to come! 
Thank you for listening 

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