The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
On Friday 19th October 2018 Flight Sergeant (FS) Anderson attended the CVQO graduation for cadet forces adult volunteers at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. FS Anderson was himself crowned the winner of the CVQO Westminster Award for 2018 earlier in the year and was invited to the graduation ceremony to give an inspiring speech about the commitment, sacrifices and dedication of cadet forces adult volunteers of organisations across the UK.
Royal Air Force in Concert Centenary Tour
On the evening 19th October 2018, Cadet Jenkins, Corporal Wiggers and Corporal Roderick attended the Royal Air Force in Concert Centenary Tour at the Wales Millennium Centre alongside other cadets from squadrons around No.1 Welsh Wing.
Before the performance they were busy meeting and greeting people, selling various RAF100 Appeal merchandise and programmes for the show before getting to watch the performance and enjoying the fantastic music coming from the RAF band.
During the evening they were greeted by a gentleman who took great pleasure in telling our three cadets that he was himself a cadet of 1367 Squadron when it was based in Usk in the 1950's. He did not hesitate to start telling the cadets all about his adventures he got up to when he was a cadet, and then in turn loved hearing all about what our cadets get up to in their own careers.
L144 Riffle Wing Shooting Weekend
On the weekend of the 20th October 2018, Cadet Jenkins, Cadet Rosser and Cpl Cocking attended an L144 Riffle training and shooting weekend where they were introduced to the riffle as first time firers with other cadets from squadrons around No.1 Welsh Wing. On the Saturday the cadets undertook their safety training and drills on the L144 riffle concluding with them successfully passing their weapons handling test (WHT).
After passing their WHT's on Saturday they were cleared and deemed competent to go forward to shooting at actual targets on the 20m range on the Sunday. Through their firing details they had on the day they began to home in their marksmanship skills with there eyes set on the target of achieving their L144 riffle trained shot badge. Unfortunately this time around they narrowly missed out on achieving the badge by a matter of millimetres, but now have the experience and knowledge to call open the next time they go shooting.
Inter-Wing Sporting Competitions
Earlier in the month we had cadets attend inter-squadron senior 5 a side football, junior hockey and junior football competitions with 6 of our cadets being selected to go forward and represent No.1 Welsh Wing on Sunday 21st October 2018 in the inter-wing competitions within the Wales and West Regional at RAF Cosford.
Our cadets alongside others from around the wing put in a truly phenominal performance.
Cpl Hamblen and his senior 5-a-side football team securing 2nd place.
Cdt Salter, Cpl Wiggers and Cpl Roderick and their junior hockey team securing 3rd place.
Cdt Kaartick and Cdt Pugh and their junior football team then putting in a sterling effort securing 6th place.
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